IVs are an excellent way to getting you to feel better faster. Flood your bloodstream with vitamins, minerals, amino acids for maximum potency and absorption. Intramuscular vitamin injections also available.

Peptides are tiny proteins made up of short chains of amino acids. They signal the cells in your body to perform in specific ways. Since peptides are able to improve a number of very precise concerns, they offer a wide range of benefits for overall health and appearance, including: weight loss, energy improvement, build muscle mass, sharpen memory, improve sleep, combat autoimmune disease and chronic viral/bacterial illnesses.

I’m a big believer that diet, sleep, stress, gut microbiome, etc all play an enormous role on aging BUT I also believe in slowing down the aging process with a little outside intervention.

Tired of getting basic blood work done and told you are fine? Specialized testing allows us to get to the root cause of why you may feel you aren’t living well. There is a difference between disease and dysfunction that’s why I look at tests from a lens of therapeutic reference range vs lab reference range. I also believe patients should have a voice in their healthcare, if they want to know their vitamin D levels for instance, then I’m goin to run those tests.